Felicity is one of our most longstanding and loyal producers at the market, having been a member for over 30 years now! She has an avid passion for her garden and originally joined to sell her excess plants and flowers. For a long time though, she has also been regularly cooking cakes, pies, puddings, meringues and preserves for our customers to enjoy.
The chances are that if you have bought a half hardy plant from the market or one of the beautiful floral table arrangements that we have on the front table each week, then you have had one of Felicity's creations.
Felicity says her best sellers are her plants or her famously tasty three fruit marmalade (often requested by customers). I have also noticed that her treacle tarts are regularly specifically sought after- mass produced treacle tarts are nothing like the homemade ones!
Her favourite foods to cook for the market are meringue nests and marmalade.
But ask Felicity about her garden and a smile crosses her face- this is her pride and joy. She has been gardening for over 45 years now and she can offer customers (and fellow producers) invaluable green-fingered advice about their plants. Her own garden is 1/3rd of an acre but she also has an embankment which she tends to (that's where many of the summer flowers she brings to the market are grown). Her favourite plants are herbaceous and half hardies. She has a greenhouse but it isn't heated.
And the secret to her success? Manure or compost??
Compost all the way. She can't find a good local source of manure and has five(!) compost bins in her garden. But even this isn't enough for all her flowers! Felicity regularly supplements her own homemade compost with that bought from a local super market- ask her which and I'm sure she will tell you!
Many thanks to Felicity for sharing her market experiences with us. You can buy her food and plants at the market each week or order in advance by phone (07514 060548).